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Ten top tips to keep your oral health in check

28th October 2021

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Keeping your oral health in check is so important. It not only means your mouth is clean and healthy, but it also assists your overall physical wellbeing. According to the NHS website, gum disease can be linked to other health problems in the body. It may increase your risks of health complications, such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. The good news is that looking after your oral health is easy to achieve. Here at The Edge Dental in Alderley Edge are our top ten tips for you to maintain good oral health.

1. Brush regularly, especially after you eat something sweet

The key to maintaining oral health must be cleaning your teeth twice a day, once at night and in the morning. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste removes plaque and if this isn’t dealt with the plaque feeds on the food and debris left behind causing both tooth decay and gum disease.

2. Floss daily

There are many different types of floss to choose from. If you have teeth that are very close together, flossing tape can be a game-changer to get in between the teeth. Flossing helps you to remove excess food particles and plaque build-up between your teeth. This, in turn, improves your oral health. Oral B offers a guide to flossing techniques.

3. Don’t smoke

It’s far from a secret that smoking is bad for our health. It can cause lots of different medical problems, however, smoking also damages our mouth, gums, and teeth. It can lead to the teeth becoming stained, gum disease, tooth loss, and in severe cases mouth cancer.

4. Limit sugary and starchy foods

Eating too much sugar causes tooth decay. We know about the sugars in sweets, cakes, and biscuits, etc but there is also sugar present in many cereals, flavoured yoghurts, and drinks. It is recommended that adults have no more than 30g of free sugars per day and children even less. There are small changes that can be made to help reduce your sugar intake. Choose unsweetened cereal and then add some sliced bananas for added sweetness. Use tins of fruit in juice rather than syrup, try reducing sugar in recipes, and check the nutrition labels to help choose the food options with less added sugar or go for the lower or reduced sugar version.

5. Drink plenty of water

Drinking water has many health benefits, including helping us stay hydrated, which can help our bodies distribute healthy nutrients, eliminate waste, and improve the appearance of our skin. It also strengthens our teeth, especially if the water contains fluoride. It also helps us to wash away leftover food and sugar throughout the day and dilutes the acids left behind on our teeth and gums. Drinking enough water also produces saliva, which is key as it is the first line of defence against tooth decay.

6. Eat cheese

Yes, you heard us correctly, eating cheese can help with oral health. This is because cheese has high levels of calcium and phosphate which strengthens the teeth. It also enables a better PH balance in your mouth, which means less harm causing acid, more saliva, and less chance of cavities.

7. Drink milk

Milk and dairy products contain casein proteins and have a high calcium content that forms a protective film over the enamel of your teeth. When the acid from bacteria and sugary foods breaks down your tooth’s enamel, these minerals can help alleviate this. They also help neutralise acidic and sugary foods and increase saliva production. This is perhaps why cheese and biscuits were invented after a meal?

8. Eat plenty of hard fruit & veggies

Eating whole grains, fruit and vegetables can help with general health. However, people don’t often realise that eating apples after your food can provide hydration and fibre for your body. Celery and carrots are also good as they can scrape leftover food particles and bacteria away from your teeth. They also contain vitamins and are a great source of fibre.

9. Stay away from sticky treats like dried fruits and gummy sweets

Halloween is the time of year when sweets and chocolates are rife. Sticky treats, such as gummy sweets tend to stick to the teeth more. It is a good idea to have one piece at a time and chew thoroughly. Dried fruits, such as raisins, also contain sugar, and the sticky nature means they tend to stick on the teeth for longer. You should always try to brush and floss after eating anything sticky.

10)Avoid snacking throughout the day

It is by far better for our teeth and gums if we eat three meals a day, rather than grazing and snacking throughout the day. This is because when we graze constantly, we are not giving our teeth and gums a chance to recover from the acid attack. Every time you eat and drink sugary goods, your teeth are under acid attack for an hour afterward. The sugar reacts to the bacteria in plaque and produces harmful acids, which attack the gums. If you snack constantly, your teeth could be under attack all day.

Book yourself in for a dental check-up today. The team at The Edge Dental is always available to answer any questions you may have about maintaining great oral health or any other dental treatments you may be considering.

Give our friendly team a call on 01625 599001 or email info@theedgedental.co.uk

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