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Cosmetic Dentistry available at The Edge Dental

23rd March 2021

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Cosmetic Dentistry

We have been seeing many more patients coming through our doors at The Edge Dental in Alderley Edge recently who want to improve their smile. In the past, many patients visited us when they had a dental issue. However, these days we see more people who want to know how they can change their teeth and smile for the better, to feel happier and more confident to smile.

As a society, we witness perfect, straight, white teeth and lovely smiles on television and in the media, all the time, and many people want to replicate this. According to Dentaly.org, TV and social media causes 31% of us to feel anxious about our smiles regularly. A whopping 71% of British adults don’t feel confident showing their teeth when they smile for a photo. A third of these say it is because of their discoloured teeth.

With cosmetic dentistry procedures becoming much more affordable, the public are realising they can do something about their teeth and smiles, and we are seeing a rise in cosmetic dentistry requests.


A crown, often also called a cap, is a restorative treatment, which strengthens, repairs, and improves the appearance of a tooth. If cared for properly, crowns can last for many years, due to their hardwearing properties. If you are having a crown fitted, we will prepare your tooth to the ideal shape, which involves removing a thin layer of the outer tooth surface. An impression of the tooth will be taken and sent off to the specialist lab where the crown will be professionally made to match and fit the size, shape, and colour of your existing teeth.

Your final visit to the dentist is where your crown will be fitted over the tooth and held in place with specialist dental cement.

Reasons to have a crown include: –

  • To repair broken or weak teeth
  • To improve the appearance of a tooth, which may have a discoloured filling
  • To protect a tooth after a root filling
  • To help hold a denture or bridge in place


You can transform a smile with veneers. They fit over the outer surface of your teeth, which completely changes the way they look. Veneers are a very thin cover made from porcelain and they sit on top of your teeth. They can cover up discolouration of the teeth, chips in teeth, they can close gaps, and even bring the teeth into line with the others.

If you decide to have veneers fitted, we sometimes have to prepare the tooth by removing the shiny outer layer so that the veneers can be bonded correctly. Scans or impressions of your teeth will be taken. These will be used to create the veneers, which will be closely colour matched to the rest of your teeth.

Once the veneers are received back from the lab, you will be asked to make an appointment for the fitting. We make sure they fit, look, and feel great before using a special dentist cement to secure them in place. This can be quite an emotional experience for patients, as when you see your new smile, it is often a big transformation.


As well as affecting your self-esteem, having a missing tooth can also lead to problems such as a bad bite and gum disease. If you have missing teeth, dental bridges can offer an affordable and secure solution. Bridges are made from porcelain and metal; they are cemented to the natural remaining teeth on either side of the gap. For the bridge to be fitted correctly, the teeth on either side need to be reduced in size. The crowns that fit over the treated teeth fit perfectly and are made to match and blend in with the rest of the teeth.

Bridges are very secure and if you look after them should last many years. Daily cleaning is required just as you would do with your other teeth.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is seen as one of the most dramatic smile changes for the cost that you can get. Here at The Edge Dental, we offer home whitening and in-surgery whitening. We use Enlighten. It is widely recognised as the most effective teeth whitening system and is the only brand that guarantees a Vita shade B1 for every patient and has a 98% success rate.

Each treatment starts with a consultation to make sure it is suitable for you. An impression of your teeth will be sent to the Enlighten laboratory to create your custom-made trays. In the meantime, we will provide you with a serum toothpaste to use at home before your whitening treatment begins.

Enlighten Evolution Whitening involves home treatment, using your trays and a special whitening gel, followed by a dental visit. The whole process can take around 2-4 weeks depending on what needs to be achieved. You can see some before and after pictures here.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of your smile, please do make an appointment to speak with us. We can offer you a consultation and we can offer 0% finance options on most cosmetic dentistry treatments. Call 01625 599 001 and we will be happy to help you.

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